Dear Andrea Csilla,

This morning, as I reflected on my past experiences working in an international company, I remembered how much I enjoyed Thanksgiving - not for the holiday itself, but for the unexpected productivity boost it brought to our European office. This memory inspired me to share an idea that could revolutionize our work weeks.

The "European Thanksgiving" Effect: A Weekly Productivity Boost

Did you know that the average office worker is interrupted every 11 minutes and takes 23 minutes to get back on task? While we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Hungary, those days were unexpectedly productive for us in Europe. Why? The absence of meetings and a significant reduction in emails allowed us to focus deeply on our work. This got me thinking: why can't we create our own "Thanksgiving" every week?

What’s the Solution?

    1. Designate one day a week as your "Productivity Thanksgiving"
    2. Block all meetings on this day
    3. Set an auto-responder for emails, indicating you'll respond the next day
    4. Use this time for deep, focused work on important projects


Studies show that uninterrupted focus can increase productivity by up to 40%. Imagine what you could achieve with a full day of uninterrupted work each week!

Andrea's Tip

I've started implementing "Focus Fridays" in my team. We treat it as our weekly "Thanksgiving" - no meetings, minimal emails, and maximum productivity. The results have been remarkable! One team member completed a project in 6 hours that would typically take 2-3 days with regular interruptions.

Recommended Reading

Nir Eyal's "Indistractable" offers excellent strategies for mastering focus in our distraction-filled world. I had the pleasure of speaking with Nir personally, and his insights on building "distraction-free" time into our schedules are game-changing.

Remember: Sometimes, doing less allows us to accomplish more. By creating space for focused work, we can boost our productivity and reduce stress.

Link to the podcast episode (I was in the audience). 

Wishing you a week full of productive "Thanksgivings"!

Best regards,



Upcoming Event

Every other Thursday at 16:00 CET live Q&A – Deep Dive Productivity Sessions with Andrea: Your Bieekly Productivity Power Hour

The next is on the 5th of December.

Join me for "Deep Dive Productivity Sessions with Andrea: Your Weekly Productivity Power Hour"! Start each session with a powerful, practical productivity tip to boost your workflow, followed by an opportunity for hot seat coaching, where we dive deep into your specific challenges and goals. Whether you're tackling a productivity roadblock or looking to share and exchange strategies, this is the perfect chance to level up your productivity and learning journey. Let's come together, explore fresh insights, and unlock your full potential!


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LinkedIn: Andrea (Csilla) Szabó

Facebook: Andrea Csilla Szabo  (Szacs)

Website: Stress-free Team

I want productivity Thanksgiving every week, let's talk!